Friday, June 29, 2012

Whatever, Loud Sales Guy

Loud Howard was at it again, standing at the whiteboard behind me, apparently selling the company product to a school for the deaf.  I swear, I have never worked somewhere that I haven't found myself silently mouthing "What the fuck?" at least ten times a day.

Just kidding...

Seriously, you guys should take my beer away when I get that drunk.
Just kidding, I'll fucking kill you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

No fingers's "unselectable" code

Ha ha, Pandora.  You don't want me to cut and paste lyrics off your webpage, do you?  Too bad you use jQuery on your site and I can use it to undo everything you did to protect your precious text.  I selected it, I copied it, I pasted it, and I don't even feel bad.  Because I don't give two shits.


And so do I.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Coding Hell...

default case wasn't adding a row to my file when it should have added two. dumped all its parameters one at a time to prove the logic, everything checked out, took out the dumps, now it works. changes to the code: zero. ability to explain why it wasn't working before: zero. wasted time: priceless.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Resisting change

Change is going to happen.  If the only reason you are against it is because it creates a little more work for you then I don't have time to convince you, I have to go back to work; I already adapted.

You couldn't convince anyone at this morning's meeting, but sure, let's put it in PowerPoint and try again. ~@meetingboy

Friday, June 15, 2012

The guy who takes the last of the coffee...

And is too busy to start a new pot.  I dislike you, and don't give two shits about how busy or important you think you are.  You suck.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I want...

I might have to get one of these. Don't know if I could fly it at work though.

Why work doesn't matter...

Hugh hits another home run with something he probably has been carrying around in his wallet for a long time.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Having just endured an hour long meeting with accountants, I feel empowered by my conscious decision several years ago to not become an accountant.