Monday, April 30, 2012

You broke the internet...

P: What does THAT mean?
J: That means your computer broke the internet.

I shouldn't care, or "give a shit" so to speak, but that exchange made me laugh.

Then this comes next:

M: What is that?
J: Its fucking magic, don't worry about it.

I should just pack it up and go home now.

Obama singing

I don't give a shit that the president can sing on Idol or do a slow jam with Jimmy Freaking Kimmel.  Being an entertainer isn't a pre-requisite.

Blogging in your underwear...

I want to blog in my underwear.  I don't really give two shits about real jobs.

Intro to two shits...

My friend at work took my suggestion to create a blog about all the stuff she doesn't give a shit about. It originated from a joke I made about a notebook where I write down stuff that I don't give a shit about. She is going to use her blog as a place to vent. Me too. Except it will be here.